Let’s Talk About Money

Let's Talk About Money

Money is something that women need to talk about more. Saving it, spending it and earning it. I am a huge advocate of knowing your worth and that means negotiating your salary and also enjoying your money. I love to shop but I also love to save money.

I started a 529 (education account) when I got my first job because I knew I wanted to have kids someday and that college wasn’t going to get any cheaper. When that same job didn’t offer a 401, I started an IRA to save for retirement. I wasn’t making much money but I knew that I had to start saving for the future.

My best advice is to start small but most importantly, just start somewhere. I read that if you invested $5/day for 50 years you could earn 1 million dollars (assuming a pretty good rate of return). When we had Ben we opened an Acorns investment account for him and we invest $5/day. Our hope is that when he starts making his own money he can take over the account and continue the $5/day contribution.

Sign up for Acorns today – https://share.acorns.com/arynaf

What questions do you have about money?
